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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

21st Century Diabetes Management

Adults have an advantage over children when it comes to diabetes management. They are aware of the need to adhere to diets and exercise regimens, and can easily remember to take prescribed medication as well.

Children tend to forget these details, especially when away from home and with friends. They could be tempted to have some candy or ice-cream, or just skip a dose of medicine because adults are not around to help them. Steep blood sugar falls are also issues for small children with diabetes because they may easily exercise much more than usual.

Parents cannot be with children all the time, and depend on teachers to help with diabetes management. However, this is not always possible in large schools and poorly developed areas. Diabetes management remains difficult for children.

Things are beginning to change. Software engineers now work on programs which can relay information from embedded blood glucose monitors to distant locations through computers and cell phones. This would enable parents and care givers to alert children whose blood glucose rises or falls beyond a safe range.

This kind of wireless system could be on the market before the end of 2007. It could be expensive, at least at first, but will certainly go a long way in improving diabetes management for children. It could also be used for the elderly who tend to be forgetful.


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