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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Hunger, Appetite, Satiety and Diabetes

Bad eating habits, a sedentary life style, obesity, metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes, or full blow type 2 diabetes, the entire range of potential and actual forms of impaired glucose metabolism, have the deadly triad of hunger, appetite, and satiety as principal threats to management.

A new diet, the pressures of living with reduced volumes of intake, and craving for favorite foods and beverages of the recent past, can all play havoc with one’s resolve, and threaten wellness and longevity.

Every diet or meal plan requires expertise to put together, because balancing energy limits and multiple nutrition requirements, requires knowledge, skills, and experience. Nevertheless, people who suffer from diabetes, and those who need to take dietary steps to prevent this condition, should help their care givers prepare enjoyable diets, by providing inputs on the things they like to eat, and when they tend to feel hungry.

Hunger and satiety both involve sending signals to the brain, and there are things we can do to reduce the feeling of deprivation when on a diet. Similarly, easy availability of calorific food, and attractive plating, can whet appetites, so there are social eating situations to avoid, making it easier to adhere to planned meals.

Here are 5 tips to make it easier to satiate hunger, and to keep your appetite from flying off the handle, so that you are better poised to manage diabetes, or to prevent it:

1. Ask the care giver who prepares your diet, to build in snacks for those times between meals, when you crave food most. Peanuts without salt, yoghurt without sugar, apples, and pop corn are some filling favorites.

2. Start each meal with a large serving of broth, followed by an equally large serving of salad, without a heavy dressing. This approach will lull your brain in to thinking that you have eaten plenty, even before you start on a main course!

3. Eat slowly. Your brain needs time to realize that physiological hunger needs have been met, and you will enjoy planned portions more by nursing them for longer.

4. Stay away from buffet tables at social events, especially from the dessert end of things. Remember that you could develop an appetite even after hunger needs have been met with a planned meal, at the sight of cakes, candies, chocolate, and the like.

5. Make sure that you get a good night’s rest. Sleep deprivation can sky rocket your cravings for fat and sugar ridden snacks.

Diabetes prevention and management are life long affairs, so a diet which meets your hunger needs, coupled with precautions to avoid situations in which you develop indulgent appetites, will go a long way in keeping you fit and well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Dr. Banerji,
I've just discovered your blog and find it very interesting. I have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. My Mother and both Maternal Grandparents had it. They have passed away now. I have read many interesting things in your blog and have bookmarked it to my favorites list so that I can follow it regularly. What I would like to see is some photos with certain posts. I do not know what a Ringworm attack would look like, as an example.
Thank you for your blog.
still, Doug

12:55 AM  
Blogger Dr. S. Banerji said...

Dear Doug,
Thank you for your post.
Though you have a family history of type 2 diabetes, you can avoid complications in your own life by following prescriptions for diet, exercise, and medication.
Please use the following link to see pictures of ringworm:

6:06 AM  

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