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Sunday, March 11, 2007

Why Eye Trouble in Diabetes Could Signal More Bad News

There is this link I have accessed today, which is worth showing to your ophthalmologist:

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Retinal damage is common in diabetes, especially if the condition is poorly managed or if detected late. An annual or even more frequent dilated eye examination is essential for everyone with diabetes in any case.

However, doctors may also use vision trouble in patients with diabetes, to suspect that blood circulation to the far reaches inside the brain could be heading for a crisis. An ophthalmologist may therefore wish to refer you to another specialist just to ensure that everything is ship shape.

Do ask your ophthalmologist, after each visit, if there is any reason to consider a full stroke evaluation. I hope that he or she will feel that there is no such need because you have managed your blood glucose so well, or that further tests by an expert will show that all is well with your capillary circulation.

Good Luck!


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